Dedicated to Safety.
Call us: 250-203-5407

Protect Your Workers With Workplace Safety Audits

Workplace Safety Consulting

Are you doing all you can to ensure that your worksite is safe for your employees? Is your company compliant with the WorkSafe BC standards for your industry? Are there training courses that you could provide to your employees that would reduce the risk of injury? MMKS can provide safety consultation services on site or by telephone, to answer all of these questions. Our mobile safety consultation services are available throughout BC to  protect your business and investment from avoidable risks.


The safety consultation process reviews all of the work related activities at your business. We look at where and how these tasks are performed, and identify potential risks. We then provide a list of recommendations to improve the level of safety. These safety recommendations may include safety training for employees, improvements to equipment, or changes to procedure.


MMKS Safety Solutions can also provide presentations at your workplace to raise awareness  on specific risks. We can also help to establish effective safety committees, hiring requirement standards, employee training schedules, and best practices.

Site-Specific Onsite Safety Training & Consulting At Your Service.

Let safety come to you to help ensure compliance and reduce injuries. Based on your need, we’ll coordinate a safety and health professional to come to your location to provide training for various industries and topics, as well as conduct site or corporate safety reviews to identify areas of risk, pre-audit review, inspections, and more – all while responding to any and all of your questions.

Have multiple locations? No problem – a single point of contact will provide you with single billing and administration, giving you economy of scale and consistency.

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