Dedicated to Safety.
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Protect Your Workers With Workplace Safety Audits

Be ready. Be prepared.

  • Large BCCSA COR
  • COR Overview
  • Eligibility
  • Benefits

Certificate of Recognition (COR) is an incentive program offered by WorkSafe BC that recognizes companies that voluntarily meet the industry standard for health and safety. The small COR is for businesses with 19 employees or less. Employers who include workplace safety in their operational strategies are rewarded for their efforts to reduce workplace injuries. MMKS is a certified COR partner through the  BCCSA.

The large COR program is for employers with 20+ employees. Making the choice to attain COR certification makes a strong statement about your company’s commitment to workplace safety. There are incentive payments available from WorkSafeBC to employers who make a commitment to reducing workplace injuries because it helps to lower claim costs and WorkSafeBC premiums. In some cases, having a COR safety program in place can meet the prequalifications for project bids.

The Certificate of Recognition (COR) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes companies who develop and implement health and safety and injury management systems that meet an industry standard. The program rewards employers who take a strategic approach to workplace safety and are committed to reducing both the human and financial costs of workplace injuries. COR certification is offered by WorkSafeBC and delivered through Certifying Partners. The BCCSA is the COR Certifying Partner for employers in the construction industry.

Companies in the construction sector, as well as CU’s 704008 and 712033, are automatically eligible to participate in BCCSA’s COR program. Companies outside of the construction industry that are interested in pursuing a BCCSA COR may submit a COR application for review.  Participation will be subject to approval by WorkSafeBC on a case by case basis.

  • Make a strong public statement about a company’s commitment to protecting the well being of workers and maintaining a culture of safety on jobsites. A win-win for everyone!
  • Employers who achieve and maintain COR may be eligible to receive up to 15% in annual incentive payment (10% OHS COR; 5% IM/RTW COR) from WorkSafeBC.
  • Over time, with reduced injuries and lower claim costs, a COR company’s experience-rated WorkSafeBC premiums will reflect additional savings.
  • Many general contractors require subcontractors to have a recognized safety program in place as a prequalification to bid on projects. COR meets that requirement.

Workplace Safety Auditing

MMKS is a certified BCCSA External Auditor providing external audits at your place of business to ensure the safety of your workplace. We are a fully mobile company that services all of BC, even in remote areas. Our goal is to empower both employers and employees in the construction industry to reduce injuries in the workplace. We do this by raising accident prevention awareness, promoting a culture of work safety, and ensuring safety procedures are in place.

  • Legislation Compliance
  • Keeping Safety Records
  • Needs Assessment
  • Lockout/Guarding

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